Monday, July 18, 2011

Site Report No. 2: Chinati Foundation,TX

Judd purchased 340 acres of a defunct military base to create permanent installations for himself and his friends.  The Chinati Foundation (named after nearby mountain range) is a place to be experienced: the objects, installations, light, architecture and the environment.  The number and variety of sites is significant and unlike any other contemporary museum I have seen.   What I like most about Judd was his daring, confident vision.  He fully integrated art into every aspect of his life from sculptures to furniture to architecture.  Is this the arrogance of art (John says yes, I say maybe, but so what)? Does it exist only for personal expression or for other artists? 


  1. "Does it exist only for personal expression or for other artists?" I use art neither for personal expression nor for others, but art shows me a different way to see, sometimes it just gives me pleasure in the creative way the artist sees, sometimes I just like the visual image itself; it can calm me, refresh me, excite me (think the McQueen exhibit.) I LOVE the outdoor cubes (second image down today.) Are those sharp lines in the landscape or is the interest in the contrast of their shape and texture with the natural landscape?


  2. The natural landscape lines were not so sharp, more like soft and fuzzy because of the grasses. I think Judd was interested in all the effects:contrast and interaction of the objects to their environment, positive and negative spaces. For Judd, the way the work was installed was as important as the art itself.
